Rainbow Drinks

Welcome to the Rainbow Drinks site

The place where you can get more information about our company. Have fun walking around the place, subscribe so that you receive our content weekly, as well as promotions and fresh news; also visit our gallery where you can probably find some picture of you enjoying the #rainbow

Foreing sales

We decided to go to the municipal alameda, it was the first time we made external sales to our school, it was better than we expected and the truth is...

Bringing joy

Customers from the beginning were satisfied with the service we provide, we are happy to know that our drinks have given a fresh touch to their lives ...


We must always opt for fresh ingredients. This advice is usually applied for juices or juices that can be easily obtained naturally.


The importance of measuring the ingredients of the drinks is not something to work on more, only when you want to try new drinks. The experience allows them to know the time it takes to serve the necessary amount.

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